Thursday, August 29, 2019

Conversation At The Airport Counter

Air Ticket Executor: Hi, may I have your passport and ticket?

Passenger: Sure, here you go.

Air Ticket Passenger: Would you prefer an aisle seat?

Passenger: No, I prefer a window seat.
Yes, I prefer an aisle seat.

Air Ticket Executor: Do you have any bags to check-in?

Passenger: Yes, I have 2 bags.
I have no bags (for short flight).

Air Ticket Executor: The weight of your bags is fine, do you have any hand luggage?

Passenger: Yes, I have one handbag/my laptop bag.
(Say 'Thank you very much' after the executor puts tags for your handbag/handbags.)

Air Ticket Executor: This is your boarding pass, please proceed to the security clearance. Have a safe flight.

Passenger: Thank you very much.


1. Air Ticket Executor= ticket agents greet airline customers, help check baggage, and assign seats in the aircrafts.... These airline representatives are responsible for handling ticket reservations, cancellations, alterations, and informing customers when a flight has been delayed or cancelled.

2. Here you go= handing of something to someone.
In this case the passenger is handing his passport and ticket to the Air Ticket Executor.

3. Aisle= a passage between rows of seats in an aircraft.

4. Prefer= like one thing better than another or others.

5. Check-in= to register or give your bags at the counter in a hotel or airport.

6. Short flight= a flight taking less than 3 hours to reach a destination.

7. Boarding pass= a card a passenger must have in order to be allowed to get on an aircraft or a ship.

8. Proceed= to move forward or travel in a particular direction.

9. Security clearance= official permission for a passenger to enter a building or a area, after making certain that they are not a threat.

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