Thursday, August 29, 2019

Conversation At The Airport Counter

Air Ticket Executor: Hi, may I have your passport and ticket?

Passenger: Sure, here you go.

Air Ticket Passenger: Would you prefer an aisle seat?

Passenger: No, I prefer a window seat.
Yes, I prefer an aisle seat.

Air Ticket Executor: Do you have any bags to check-in?

Passenger: Yes, I have 2 bags.
I have no bags (for short flight).

Air Ticket Executor: The weight of your bags is fine, do you have any hand luggage?

Passenger: Yes, I have one handbag/my laptop bag.
(Say 'Thank you very much' after the executor puts tags for your handbag/handbags.)

Air Ticket Executor: This is your boarding pass, please proceed to the security clearance. Have a safe flight.

Passenger: Thank you very much.


1. Air Ticket Executor= ticket agents greet airline customers, help check baggage, and assign seats in the aircrafts.... These airline representatives are responsible for handling ticket reservations, cancellations, alterations, and informing customers when a flight has been delayed or cancelled.

2. Here you go= handing of something to someone.
In this case the passenger is handing his passport and ticket to the Air Ticket Executor.

3. Aisle= a passage between rows of seats in an aircraft.

4. Prefer= like one thing better than another or others.

5. Check-in= to register or give your bags at the counter in a hotel or airport.

6. Short flight= a flight taking less than 3 hours to reach a destination.

7. Boarding pass= a card a passenger must have in order to be allowed to get on an aircraft or a ship.

8. Proceed= to move forward or travel in a particular direction.

9. Security clearance= official permission for a passenger to enter a building or a area, after making certain that they are not a threat.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Saying 'Bye' In English

Kate: I need to leave. It was great meeting you.
Or just,
I need to leave.
Or just,
It was great meeting you.

James: Same here.

Kate: Let's keep in touch.

James: Sure, why not.

Kate: Do you have my number?

James: Yes, I do.
Can you please give it to me?

Kate: Okay, bye for now. See you later.

James: Bye, take care.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Saying 'Thank You' And Responding To Thank You

Ryan: Here is a gift for you.

Alice: Thank you so much, but you didn't have to do that.
(If anybody says "you didn't have to do that" it means that the person is feeing awkward to accept the gift.)

Ryan: It is just a little something.
('Something' indicates a non-specified object. And here 'little' means small in amount.)

Alice: That is 'very sweet' of you. Thank you.
('Very Sweet' is generally used to describe a person as nice.)

Ryan: You are welcome. I hope you will like it.
('You are welcome' is used as a polite response to thanks. But here Ryan means that he did a tiny bit thing to Alice and that is presenting her a gift and not anything big favour to Alice.)

Alice: I am sure, I will like it.